Senin, 04 September 2017

There is a Lump in the neck of the child, Danger or not?

jual smart detox di jakarta selatan

There is a Lump in the neck of the child, Danger or not?


Jakarta, doctor, my son is male age 5 years. Thank God grows in Nice and normal. But the doctor, recently I have noticed there is a bump-bumps around his neck. So far no effect anything. But doc, as a parent I also have worries. What should I do Doc? Thank you. Riska (woman, 26 years old) Mother JawabanYth Riska, a lump in the neck can be a normal response of the body and is a part of the body's defenses. Some of the body's defenses are no glands in the neck, armpit and selangkang. In children, because of frequent cough colds, ear pain, fever, or there are frequent infections around the head, then the glands in the neck may be enlarged. If the lump grew longer, the need for an examination of whether there are other diseases. Consult this with the family doctor for a follow-up examination such as the mantoux test or ronsen. dr. Firmansyah, SpASpesialis Children in RS Depokwww. Gems, rspermatadepok. com (hrn/up) jual smart detox di jakarta selatan


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